
Garden this year?

Are you planning a garden this year? Big or small?

Every year I try my hand at gardening, so far none have been very successful. The most luck I've had is with tomato plants. Christian insists that we're not farmers so I don't have a garden patch. Everything I've planted has been in containers. Last year my bean plants were three feet tall when the rabbits ate them all in one night! I'm prepared for them this year! I'm ordering garlic clips. So bunnies beware!

Also last year I planted an eggplant plant. Christian loves eggplant so I thought I'd plant one....well it got nice and big, and flowered, and then absolutely nothing happened! I guess it just didn't get pollinated...?

This year I thought I would try beans/peas again. I think Sugar Snap peas will work. I looked into whether soy plants grow here. I guess they do...and on top of that I found someone who would send me free ones! Click here to make a request! (Scroll all the way down to the bottom for the guys email address.) It took less than a week for me to get them! I told him which planting zone I was in (Zone 8) and he sent me ones that should grow here. My mouth is watering already at the thought of fresh edemame!

I also decided that instead of planting flowers in my front bed this year, I'm planting strawberry plants! Hopefully it will work. I like this vendor! You can order anytime and then when it's time to plant them they send them to you. You don't even have to figure out when a good time is! 25 plants is only $7!!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make sure everything grows this year? I'm really hoping that it will work this year. Christian said that if I can get things to grow this year then next year I can order this:

Fruit Cocktail Tree!!!!!

I've been wanting one for 2 years now....but he doesn't want me to order the tree until I can grow plants.... This tree is awesome! Seems like a science experiment gone wrong, but it sure looks good! It grows the following fruits, all on one tree!





You can get the tree here.

Wish me luck! Hopefully I can have a green thumb this year!


  1. That fruit coctail tree is interesting! How clever!

  2. my richard has a green thumb and can grow anything-ask him what you will and he may know the answer-trust me we've tried quite a bit-except the fruit cocktail tree!!! that's a new one!
    oh-i'm going to add your name to my link list-i love coming here for fun ideas!!

  3. Becki, Thanks for visiting and commenting! I see on my blog stats that a fair number of people visit my blog daily, but not too many people leave comments. Thanks!

  4. Erin, I have one of these. Bought it from the same place you did. I'm on year 5. Have just started getting fruit. Some of the fruit is more prolific than others. Pretty in the spring! Check out my blog posting on it.

