Remember that I moved... If you haven't changed your reader yet be sure to go visit the new site and change that so you don't miss anything!
There's a new free download over there as well for you on the New Schlosser Designs Blog

Remember that I moved... If you haven't changed your reader yet be sure to go visit the new site and change that so you don't miss anything!
There's a new free download over there as well for you on the New Schlosser Designs Blog
Yes, I've already moved to the Chicago area, but I've now moved my blog and redesigned the store! Be sure to update your feed and bookmarks! I will post on this one for about a week or two longer and then all new posts will be solely on the new blog! Not only did the blog get moved, but it's also been redesigned and is SO much easier for you to find your favorite projects and downloads! All you have to do is go to the top and click on the project gallery!
Here's the new site: Easy, right! Come by for a visit and let me know what you think! I don't want to miss anyone!
For those who have subscribed through email from Feedburner, that's already been updated so you don't need to sign up again!
I'm done moving and now call Evanston home. Although I'm sad to leave Texas I'm excited about all the new possibilities and adventures the Chicago area will provide! (And if any of my readers have some great craft stores to share with me please do!!)
I'm switching my store and blog to a server that can handle all the downloads that I've had! I hate for you to visit and have a project not available for you to download immediately! Bear with me about one more week and I'll be done with my late Spring Cleaning and have a new blog, store, and projects to share with you!!!
If you need anything immediately from the store please email me at erinschlosser (at) schlosserdesigns (dot) com!
See you soon!