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Tutorial: Fabric Pumpkins

Ok, so I think I'm ready for fall, and in a pumpkin mood.... So here's today's tutorial!

Fabric Pumpkins

These ones will last you just as long as the pumpkin pets in the previous post, and are a little more lightweight. :) You'll need these three PDF's:

Pattern: Panel

Pattern: Stem

Tutorial Instructions

The finished size is about 7" around (not including the stem.)

You can enlarge the patterns to make different sized pumpkins. I'm working on one about twice as large and will post a separate pattern for that one very shortly. The larger one will also have a fabric stem as opposed to a felted wool stem. (Thanks to my friend Celia for letting me borrow some felt from her stash!!) Leave me a comment if you use it. I'd love to see what everyone creates! Happy crafting!

Updated: I added a new pumpkin stem pattern in a new post. There are two patterns. One is for a more straight stem that involves no blanket stitch, and the other is for a felt one that is a little more straight. Find the new post here.


  1. Oh how FABULOUS is your blog??? I love this tutorial! Pumpkins are my favorite and this softie is perfect! I'll be linking to this project, not to mention adding you so I don't miss a thing!

    1. I think more updates and will be returning. I have filtered for qualified edifying substance of this calibre all through the past various hours. Agen Bola Sbobet

  2. I just love your blog. I cannot wait to make this pumpkin. I will be sure to post a pic to my finished product! Hopefully it will not take me too long! Thanks for the pattern.

  3. I've downloaded the templates. Now I just need to buy some awesome fall fat quarters. I finally made your halloween wall art from last year. I'll have to post a pic when I get it hung up.

  4. found you through craftzine. LOVE your stuff!

  5. What a wonderful blog thank you so much for the pattern and tutorial on thses wonderful pumpkins!
    hugs ginger

  6. Thanks for this fantastic pattern and tutorial. I had already downloaded a pattern for a fabric pumpkin, but after I saw this great project, I discarded the other pattern. Thanks again!

  7. Nice and easy. One of the hardest things was deciding on what fabric to buy! Here's my final result. I think I'm going to reduce the pattern and make a small solid pumpkin of each fabric. Thanks again!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  8. How totally fun! Here's another link to another type of pumpkin: http://bloggingwithholly.blogspot.com/2008/08/passionate-about-pumpkins.html
    More to add to my TO DO list:)

  9. I love this! I'm going to make a bunch of them!

  10. Thank you everyone for the kind comments! I'm so glad you are enjoying it!! Erin

  11. Thanks for the amazing tutorial..
    I switched things up a bit.. come check them out..
    Love your blog too by the way..
    I am adding a link so I can check back often!

  12. Thanks for posting this, I had fun with the pattern!


  13. Thanks for the great pattern! I made a miniature one (1/4 of the size) for my sister who loves halloween. to see a picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/odette_robert/2944439277/

  14. Loved your pumpkins! My seriously inferior product can be seen here!
    Had fun making it though, thanks for sharing xx

  15. Should probably have included address!

  16. Beautiful tutorial!! So very well put together... Even though Halloween is over, I will totally make some of these in fall colors to have for decoration for Thanksgiving. Again, wonderful work and thanks for sharing!

  17. elegant and beautiful. i am featuring this on somedaycrafts.blogspot.com

  18. OH how cute it is,,, I can't wait to make one,,, thank you for sharing it and showing us how to do it.... you are to sweet.....


  19. simple and straightforward...i will try this!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  25. I think Fabric Pumpkins would be great if you get more schematics to it.

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  30. These are all so gorgeous-- I think that even I could probably make these- lol!

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  31. I love those pumpkins made by dressmaking fabric very cute! Nice idea, thanks for sharing.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

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