I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Halloween!
Don't forget to enter in the coupon code TREAT08 in the store for your orders over $20. You get free shipping! It expires tomorrow night, so use it before you turn back into a pumpkin. :)
I can't wait until next week as I've got some GREAT fall and holiday ideas and tutorials I've been working on. I'm super excited about these!!! There's decor tutorials, and gift ideas....and lots more! Yea! See you then!
Happy Halloween!
Tutorial Tuesday-Spooky Shadow Box
This is another super quick one!
Supplies needed:
Shadow Box (get these at pretty much any craft store, even Target and Wal-mart have them)
Foam Tape
Spooky Patterned Paper
Cut the patterned paper to fit into the back of your shadow box.
Print from your photo editing program a spooky phrase. I used the Bleeding Cowboys font and printed it onto orange paper.
Stack about 4 squares of foam tape to each other and tape your phrase to the back. You're finished!
Try adding a spider to the front, or a few gravestones. You have lots of space to work with, so make sure you use things with different depths to take advantage of that!
Happy Crafting!
Halloween Treats for You!
I love treats! So in honor of the spooky holiday of Halloween, I'm having a special treat for you at my store: Schlosser Designs
Starting now, through Halloween night, October 31, 2008 you can get FREE shipping on any order of $20.00 or more. (The total must be $20 before tax.) I always have free shipping on orders over $40.00 but everyone needs treats of the non-sugar variety sometimes!
When you check out just use the coupon code: TREAT08 and the cart will automatically give you FREE shipping on your orders over $20.00. If you've been waiting for the right time to try some of the clear stamps now is the time!
Here is a couple of ideas to get your order to $20.00:
1 stamp set $12.50
1 project recipe book $10.00
TOTAL: $22.50
1 stamp set $12.50
2 hinged storage tins $4.50 each (these DVD sized metal tins are great for making mini brag books!)
TOTAL: $21.50
2 stamp sets $12.50 each
TOTAL: $25.00
1 stamp set $12.50
1 mounting block starter set $5.50
1 borders mounting block $5.50
TOTAL: $23.50
So, have fun shopping!
Ack! Please forgive me!
I'm so sorry I didn't post a Tutorial Tuesday today! I honestly have no idea where the time went to and with family coming into town tomorrow I had to clean out the guest room and guest bathroom. Don't worry! I'll be crafting with them and there's a few things in my sketch book I hope to do this week! Thank you everyone for the great comments that have been posted and emailed to me. I truly appreciate it! See you soon!
Tutorial Tuesday-Googly Eye Wreath
I LOVE the googly eyes that you buy at the craft store. What better time to use them than Halloween time! So today's project is a spooky googly eye wreath. It rained last night so I took the picture inside on my pantry door. (I usually have a wreath hanging there too. Who said that you could only use wreath hangers on your outside doors!) I bought the wreath at Michaels using my 40% off coupon.
Items you'll need:
1 wreath
Glue gun
1 can black flat/matte finish spray paint
1 bottle each green and purple acrylic paint
googly eyes in various sizes (my Michaels had a bag with a variety of sizes for about $2)
First, paint your brown wreath to make it a nice spooky black. I used the flat finish paint so it wouldn't look so glossy and unnatural.After it is dry I used a foam brush with a little of the purple and lime paint on it and painted some streaks of color on the wreath. You can see it best in the bottom picture. Don't worry about picking just one or two branches and painting the entire thing. Streaks here and there are just fine!
Then glue gun your googly eyes onto your wreath. I paired mine together so at night it looks like little creepies looking at you from the wreath. Next time I'll probably add some glow in the dark paint streaks also!
Every time I say googly eyes I'm reminded of this skit:
Happy Crafting!
Fabric Pumpkin Update!
Thank you so much everyone for all your comments! I appreciate all of them! I've worked out an alternate top for the fabric pumpkin pattern. This top involves much less hand stitching, well, actually none. If you don't remember how to do a blanket stitch, or want to get your cute little pumpkins done faster than this pattern is for you!
Download here.
It also involves some slight changes when you're sewing your pumpkin. The changes are as follows:
Once you get your pieces cut out, sew them together so you have two groups of three pieces. This will give you two halves of the pumpkin. Below is one half of the pumpkin.Then, sew up the stem with right sides facing each other. Clip the corners and turn right side out. Stuff the pumpkin stem and then pin it in between your two halves of the pumpkin. This is shown below. It's a little hard to see, but the stuffed pumpkin stem is between the two halves there.
Then sew along the edges and turn your pumpkin right side out. You're pumpkin will now have a little stuffed stem on top. Continue to follow the rest of the instructions from the original post here.
*Also included in the pattern above is an alternate felt pumpkin stem pattern that is more straight.